AirportCEO Tweaks

If you’re new here, airport CEO is un-moddable no more. It is still kind of hard.

Airport CEO Tweaks began largely as an experiment to see if modding was viable by tweaking the planner interface and editing “cargo” flights to not have passengers.

Tweaks is now moving towards becoming a total-overhaul mod, one system at a time. Systems revised so far include:

* Flight Contracts: Flight contracts can and will renew if the airline is kept satisfied.
* Routes: Routes now account for airline nationality, and generally are generated in a more realistic fashion.
* Aircraft: A new data structure is laid onto aircraft types, allowing more information to be stored and used by other systems. This system also enables new aircraft types to be added.
* Liveries: New tools are introduced to allow liveries to change all aspects of an aircraft’s appearance.
* Turnaround Requirements: Turnaround requirements may vary based on airline or aircraft related factors, not just what is available. Turnaround duration may be varied based on airline or player requirements.
* Airlines: Lots of definable factors influence the behavior of mod-added airlines, including home countries and presence of international services. This system orchestrates lots of the lower level features, and is subject to continued expansion.

If you've been sent here by an author on the steam workshop, that likely means that their mod requires this framework in order to work at its best (or at all).

The mod is working towards implementing an overhaul of the gameplay loop around flight planning and airline relationships. Use of auto-planner is not recommended with this mod. Reading the linked forum post is strongly recommended.
  • Status:Working
  • Version:2.3.6
  • Game:Airport CEO
  • Author:zekew11
  • Mod Website:[Link]
  • Mod Source:[Link]
  • Downloads:2314 | Unique: 2130

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Install Uninstall Manual Download
Install/Uninstall is in beta and currently only works on Windows.
Use Manual Download and put the file in your Mods folder if you are on another OS or have issues.