This is an old revision of the document!
Version 0.52.1 (2019-06-20) - Changed: Some minor improvements to the Project Generator files. - Changed: The Installer will clear the cache upon update and re-install when user chooses to not remove old install. - Bugfix: Added missing user-agent to the downloader when requesting filename from the Content-Disposition header. - Bugfix: Text display issue with mod updates showing as 0ms. - Bugfix: Fixed custom keybinds causing crashes in some cases. - Bugfix: Text display issue with mods reporting incorrect version after a mod update. - Bugfix: Renaming assemblies through mod updates would cause a hang. (Thanks CabbageCrow) Version 0.52 (2019-06-12) - New: Brand new website with mod hosting and listing. - New: Desktop Installer with drop-down list of games to install UMF to. - New: UMF URI Handler: An automated one click mod downloader and installer. - New: Uninstall.exe for easier/more obvious uninstalls. - New: UMF now uses Harmony 2.0. (All mods that use Harmony needs to be recompiled.) - New: Tools/UMF Mod Packer packs down compiled mod files into an encrypted re-distributable .umfmod package. - New: Tools/UMF Project Generator creates ready to use Visual Studio project files for UMF mods. - New: The UMF Menu now automatically scales down on resolutions with a height lower than 800 pixels. (Temporary solution) - New: UMF Warnings will now detect and disable mods that are compiled for the wrong .NET Framework. - New: The Setup can now generate Visual Studio project files with UMF code all ready to use. - New: If a .umfmod is packed into a zip file the zip file will be automatically extracted into the Mods folder. - New: Duplicate older versions of mods in the Mods folder are now automatically deleted by UMF. - New: Added mod dependency settings 'ModDependencies' and 'ModDependencyVersions' to UMF Mod config settings. Use UMFConfigStringArray to set them. - New: Direct support for games using .NET 4.7. - Changed: UMF will now ask if you want to update when a new update is found. - Changed: The Setup menu no longer requires pressing enter to confirm the choice. - Changed: The PauseGameOnGUIs setting has been improved and enabled by default again as it should now work with most games. - Changed: The 'UMF is loading' text has been replaced to stop people from waiting for a full day. - Changed: Set the setting ShowTips to off by default. The current GUI is due for a major overhaul. - Removed: Automatic rewriting of missing folder permissions have been removed from the Setup in an attempt to reduce false Antivirus detections. - Bugfix: Fixed the UMF key bindings KeysMenu and KeysConsole not taking effect without a restart. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - Bugfix: Fixed an issue with keyboard locale in some games. - Bugfix: Fixed missing MinVersion and MaxVersion checks after the mod loader rewrite. - Bugfix: Fixed FieldOfVew setting not returning to default when being set to 0. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - Bugfix: Fixed UMF hanging when loading a packed mod with an unknown password. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - Bugfix: Fixed UMF hanging with no internet connection. - Bugfix: Fixed an issue with the bindings cache by moving bindings to the new cache system. (Thanks Jon E Boyd) - API: Added void UMFConfig.DeleteConfig(bool backupOld = false) - API: UMFConfig.Read and Write now supports Section in key string. "SectionName/KeyName" - API: Added void UMFGUI.RegisterPauseHandler(Action<bool> action) - API: Added string[] UMFCache.ReadStartsWith(string keyStartsWith) - API: Changed UMFDownload.DownloadFile to void DownloadFile(string url, string directory, string file = null, bool extract = false, Action<string, bool, string> action = null) - API: Added int UMFMod.GetModHarmonyPatchCount(Assembly mod = null) - API: Added int UMFMod.GetModHarmonyPatchCount(string modName) Version 0.50.1 (2018-12-24) - Bugfix: Fixed some issues with locale and mod localization that caused UMF to freeze in some cases. Version 0.50 (2018-12-23) - New: The UMF Setup now has a -packmod command line parameter to pack mods into .umfmod. - New: UMF can now read mods directly from packed .umfmod files and zip files. - New: .umfmod and .zip mods supports their own packed Assets/<mod name>/ folders. - New: UMF can now load mods from .cs source files when mono is installed. - New: Scripted .umfpatch system for overwriting/patching inline methods in all UnityEngine assemblies. - New: The load order can now be sorted manually from the UMF Settings. - New: Added console command hotloadmod "<path>" for loading mods that were not already loaded, such as new source mods. - New: Enabling a mod that was disabled when starting the game will now attempt to immediately load that mod. - New: If UMF encounters a critical error it will zip the log files and show the main UMF log. - New: UMF now targets multiple .NET frameworks (Staring with .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.6.2), and the old and new style Unity Engines. - New: UMF now automatically loads all AssetBundles found in the Assets folders. - New: UMF can now start up the real UPM side-by-side with UMF, if UMF's dummy PluginManager.Core.dll is overwritten by UPM's real one through manual install. - New: Added more checks to UMF and the Setup to prevent user errors from not following the instructions. - Changed: The UMF Mod Loader was rewritten to improve capabilities. - Changed: Disabled mods are now stored in disabled.txt and the Enabled setting has been removed. - Changed: Major internal changes all over to take advantage of the new UMF Mod Loader. - Changed: The UMF Warning window has been greatly improved and will catch and show detailed warnings for each mod. - Changed: Mod load order and priority is now sorted the following way: loadorder.txt > LoadPriorty(High, AboveNormal, Normal, BelowNormal, Low) - Changed: Improved the UMF DropDown box used in the UMF Menu. - Changed: Improved the text field entry of numbers in the UMF Menu. - Changed: The UMF Menu now includes disabled mods settings, so that disabled mods can be enabled again from the UMF Menu. - Changed: The UMF Menu mod buttons are now colored green and red based on if they are enabled or not. - Changed: If a mod has no settings that can be configured by the player it is now properly stated in the UMF Menu. - Changed: The console now supports numpad enter to send console commands. - Changed: The help console command now supports partial search. - Bugfix: UMF Font sizes would reset to really small in Unity Engine 2018.x versions. - Bugfix: Fixed the missing status text when enabling and disabling mods. - Bugfix: Fixed an issue with encryption. All previous encryption strings are no longer valid. - Bugfix: Fixed issues with empty and None key binds. - Bugfix: Fixed an issue with automatic UMF updates. - API: Added new UMFDropDown(Rect rect, GUIContent buttonContent, GUIContent[] listContent, GUIStyle listStyle = null) - API: Added new UMFDropDown(Rect rect, GUIContent buttonContent, GUIContent[] listContent, string buttonStyle, string boxStyle, GUIStyle listStyle = null) - API: Added string UMFData.AssetsPath - API: Added string UMFData.AssetsSharedPath - API: Added Texture2D UMFAsset.LoadTexture2D(string file, bool shared = false) - API: Added Mesh UMFAsset.LoadMesh(string file, bool shared = false) - API: Added AudioClip UMFAsset.LoadAudioClip(string file, bool shared = false) - API: Added void UMFCache.Write(string key, string data) - API: Added void UMFCache.Expire(string key) - API: Added string UMFCache.Read(string key) - API: Added bool UMFCache.IsOlderThan(string key, int seconds) - API: Added bool UMFCache.Exists(string key) - API: Added attribute [UMFUnload] used on a method, which is triggered before a mod is unloaded/disabled by the user. - API: The old UMFConfig API has now been removed. - API: Added bool UMFPatch.ApplyPatch(string patchName, string patch) - API: Added List<string> UMFData.ModNamesEnabled, UMFData.ModNames now includes disabled mods as well. - API: Added string UMFData.TempPath - API: Added string UMFData.SourceModsPath - API: Added string UMFData.LuaModsPath (Lua mods are not yet implemented) - API: Added string UMFData.UMFPatchesPath - API: Added string UMFData.ResourcesPath - API: Added string UMFData.ManagedPath - API: Added string UMFData.LoadOrderFile - API: Added string UMFData.DisabledModsFile - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigColorHexRGBA(Color defaultValues = default(Color), bool requiresRestart = false) - API: Added List<string> UMFData.ModNamesActive for loaded and active mods Version 0.45.1 (2018-10-11) - Bugfix: UPM mods caused game crashes when being loaded. - API: UMFData.ChangelogsPath was renamed to UMFData.ModInfosPath Version 0.45 (2018-10-09) - New: Configurable fully automated game save backup system. - New: Full localization support in the framework with an API for mods to provide localization. - New: UMF Menu configs will now detect the key pressed instead of having to manually type it in by name. - New: The UMF Menu settings now have sliders and dropdown boxes for settings that support it. - New: The UMF Menu now has a Enable/Disable Mod button for mods. - New: UMF controlled key binding system with API for mods to prevent binding conflicts. - New: UMF Warning window that pops up to warn user of problems with mods they have installed. - New: UMFHarmony mods that supply totalPatches now show up in the UMF Warning window when the totalPatches are not met. - New: Mods that use encryption on UpdateURL now show up in the UMF Warning window when the decryption fails. - New: All updates and downloads are now logged into a permanent log file that does not get reset. - New: UMF now has 3 branches, stable, beta and internal debug. A setting was added for using the beta branch. Debug remains an internal developer branch. - New: Added console command bind <key(+key(+key))> <console command> (<args>) - New: Added console command unbind <key(+key(+key))/all/*> - New: Added console command savebinds "<cfg name>" (<append true/false>) - New: Added console command listcfgs - New: Added console command printhelp - New: Added console command fixedDeltaTime (<num>) - New: Added console command res (<width> <height> <fullScreen[true/false]> <refreshRate>) This sets the resolution if the paramters are used. Otherwise it retrieves it and all resolutions supported by the monitor. - New: Settings marked with (*) requires a game restart. A note explaining so was added to the top of each mod config, along with an API for the config parsers. - New: The setup will now check folder permissions and attempt to rewrite them if they are bad on Windows installations. - New: Added console command backup "<name>" - New: Added console command restore "<name>" - Changed: Improved the UMF auto update system linked to the change in assembly loading. - Changed: The default UMF Console key binding is now supported by most keyboard layouts. - Changed: Console command help now takes an optional paramter for help for a specific command. - Changed: Made the setup refuse to start if it isn't inside the uModFramework folder. This is due to people selectively extracting files they want and not following install instructions. - Changed: Improved the internal assembly resolver to handle harmony reload events and reflection resolve events. - Changed: The setup will now give an administrator warning if the Scan option does not find any games. - Changed: UMF Menu config text fields are now twice as wide. - Changed: The UMF Menu settings header now contains the Product Name of the mod instead of the ini section. - Changed: A mod's description attribute is now displayed below the settings header of the UMF Menu if it contains a description. - Changed: UMF now uses the DotNetZip library to handle all zip operations. - Changed: UMF will now load the UMF GUI and register default console commands before mods are loaded. - Changed: UMF now loads assemblies into memory instead of from disk to make it easier to self update through file replacement. - Changed: changelogs.txt and UMF Changelogs renamed to modinfo.txt and UMF Mod Info to let mods supply the info they want to to show the user on install/update. - Changed: Moved all downloads and the UMFDownloader API into an external .NET 4.5 downloader for TLS 1.2 support. (Includes GitHub downloads.) - Changed: Renamed the UseUACForUpdater setting to UseUAC and changed the description for it. - Changed: Made the UMF Loader slightly more stable with internal improvements. - Bugfix: The new v0.40 setup was not working correctly with mono for Linux and Mac. - Bugfix: Some of the UMFConsole API was broken due to an inverted bool. - Bugfix: UpdateURL responses were not being trimmed for empty spaces and empty lines. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - Bugfix: Invalid UpdateURL's were not being caught. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - Bugfix: Some words in-game Changelog text would not be put on new lines and go under the scrollbar. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - Bugfix: If the UMF specific config options were missing in a mod with configs, UMF would hang. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - Bugfix: The news box was showing text outside the box when the news text was too long instead of the overflow being cut off. - Bugfix: The setup will now function without an internet connection. - Bugfix: Unzipping/extracting files on newer Unity 2018 versions with .NET 4.x would not work if the files already existed. - Bugfix: PauseGameOnGUIs causes problems in the game Graveyard Keeper and UMF now automatically disables this setting in that game. - API: Renamed UMFConsole to UMFGUI. - API: Added bool UMFGUI.DefaultCommandsRegistered - API: Added int UMFData.LoaderUnixTimeDone - API: Added void UMFTool.CreateDesktopShortcut(string linkName, string targetPath, string workingDir = null, string arguments = null, string description = null) - API: Added void UMFTool.DeleteDesktopShortcut(string linkName) - API: Added void UMFTool.CreateShortcut(string location, string linkName, string targetPath, string workingDir = null, string arguments = null, string description = null) - API: Added void UMFTool.DeleteShortcut(string location, string linkName) - API: Added Assembly UMFMod.GetMod(string modName, bool caseInsensitive = false) - API: Added string UMFMod.GetModProductName(string modName, bool caseInsensitive = false) - API: Added string UMFMod.GetModDescription(string modName, bool caseInsensitive = false) - API: Added string UMFData.LocalePath - API: Added string UMFData.LocaleModsPath - API: Added string UMFLocale.Get(string key, params object[] formatArgs) - API: Added string UMFLocale.Get(string modName, string key, params object[] formatArgs) - API: Added string UMFLocale.Add(string locale, string key, string text) - API: Added string UMFLocale.Add(string modName, string locale, string key, string text) - API: Added string UMFLocale.Locale - API: Added bool UMFGUI.RegisterBind(string bindName, string keys, Action action) - API: Added bool UMFGUI.UnregisterBind(string bindName) - API: Added bool UMFGUI.ModifyBind(string bindName, string newKeys, Action newAction = null) - API: Added bool UMFGUI.BindExistsByKeys(string keys, bool allBinds = false) - API: Added bool UMFGUI.BindExistsByName(string bindName, bool allBinds = false) - API: Changed UMFGUI.RegisterCommand to return a bool and log errors if command exists. - API: Changed UMFGUI.RegisterCommand now has a optional paramter of sendCommand which can send a full console command after registration. - API: Moved UMFData.IsMenuOpen to UMFGUI.IsMenuOpen - API: Added Texture2D UMFUnity.ColorToTexture2D(int width, int height, Color color) - API: UMFHarmony attribute has a new parameter totalPatches. [UMFHarmony(int totalPatches = 0, bool debug = false)] - API: Added T UMFConfig.Read<T>(string key, UMFConfigParser<T> parser, params string[] comments) - API: Added void UMFConfig.Write<T>(string key, UMFConfigParser<T> parser, params string[] comments) - API: Added abstract UMFConfigParser<T> Use this as a child class to create new custom config parsers. - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigInt(int defaultValue = default(int), int minValue = default(int), int maxValue = default(int), int vanillaValue = default(int), bool requiresRestart = false, params int[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigFloat(float defaultValue = default(float), float minValue = default(float), float maxValue = default(float), int decimals = 1, float vanillaValue = default(float), bool requiresRestart = false, params float[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigDouble(double defaultValue = default(double), double minValue = default(double), double maxValue = default(double), int decimals = 2, double vanillaValue = default(double), bool requiresRestart = false, params double[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigBool(bool? defaultValue = null, bool? vanillaValue = null, bool requiresRestart = false) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigString(string defaultValue = "", string vanillaValue = "", bool requiresRestart = false, params string[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigStringArray(string[] defaultValues = default(string[]), bool requiresRestart = false, params string[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigKeyCode(KeyCode defaultValue = KeyCode.None, bool requiresRestart = false, params KeyCode[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigKeyCodeArray(KeyCode[] defaultValues = default(KeyCode[]), bool requiresRestart = false, params KeyCode[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigDirectory(string defaultValue = "", bool requiresRestart = false, params string[] allowedValues) - API: Added UMFConfigParser UMFConfigVersion(Version defaultValue = default(Version), bool requiresRestart = false) - API: The old UMFConfig.Read/Write/UMF have been obsoleted and will be removed in v0.50. - API: Added List<UMFBind> UMFGUI.GetBinds(string searchPattern = null) - API: Added List<UMFConsoleCommand> UMFGUI.GetCommands(string searchPattern = null) - API: Removed UMFDownload.QueueFile and QueueString and IsDownloadingString in favor of new TLS 1.2 capable download system. - API: Added UMFDownload.DownloadFile(string url, string path, bool extract = false, Action<string, bool, string> action = null) - API: Changed UMFDownload.IsDownloading now checks if anything is downloading from the DownloadFile list instead. - API: Added int UMFData.ModsUpdated - API: Added long UMFData.ModsUpdatedTime - API: Added bool UMFTool.Unzip(string pathFrom, string pathTo, bool delete = false) - API: Added bool UMFTool.Unzip(string path, bool delete = false) - API: Added bool UMFTool.Zip(string fileName, string rootDir, List<string> files) - API: Added string UMFData.BackupsPath - API: Added string UMFData.GameSavePath - API: Added void UMFTool.Backup(string name) <- This creates a game save backup. - API: Added void UMFTool.Restore(string name) - API: Added void UMFGUI.ToggleConsole() Version 0.40 (2018-08-21) The #user-friendly Update - New: Mods that support it can now automatically update them selves. #user-friendly - New: UMF will now download, extract and install UMF updates automatically on game start. #user-friendly - New: The setup now creates a shortcut on the users desktop to the setup and mods folder. #user-friendly - New: The setup will open the Mods folder after installing. #user-friendly - New: The setup now has an option to scan for all Unity Engine games. - New: Command line arguments for the setup to do silent installs. - New: A tip showing how to open the UMF Menu is now displayed in the top-right corner at game start. #user-friendly - New: Added a Reset button to the UMF Menu. #user-friendly - New: Added CPU, GPU and Memory to the log file. - New: Added automatic execution of all console commands found in \Mods\Configs\AutoExec.cfg at game start. - New: Added console command exec "<cfg name>" which executes all console commands in <cfg name>.cfg found in the Configs folder. - New: Added console command cfg <modname> <key> (<value>) which retrieves or sets the config option for the specified mod or UMF. - New: Added console command cfgSave <modname> which saves the settings that have been made by cfg to the config file. - New: Added console command cfgReload <modname> which reloads the settings from the config file. - New: Added console command timescale (<num>) which gets or sets the current timescale of the game. - New: If a mod update zip contains "changelog.txt" the changelog will be showed in a window at game start. All changelogs will be automatically renamed and moved to Mods\Changelogs\<modName>_v<version>_changelog.txt where the user can review them again later. - New: Added Mod specific UMF config option ConfigVersion used for cleaning outdated config files. - Changed: The start up info text now have transparent boxes under them to make them easier to read. #user-friendly - Changed: Renamed console command resetconfig to cfgReset, but still retains resetconfig as an alias. - Changed: Made the UMF Menu more compact and slightly better looking. #user-friendly - Changed: The Setup will now open the web browser to the Troubleshooting Guide on the Support Forum if an error happens. #user-friendly - Changed: UMF will now wait until OnGUI can be triggered before loading mods in order to show progress for slow/long downloads. #user-friendly - Changed: The mod specific UMF configs is no longer exposed in the in-game settings menu. #user-friendly - Changed: The setup will now clean up UPM installs into the UnityEngine.dll/UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll to prevent problems. #user-friendly - Changed: Dll files moved to the Lib folder to keep the main uModFramework folder clean for executables and text files. - Changed: The setup will now install/uninstall UMF into all Data folders (ex. 32bit and 64bit) if more than one exists. - Changed: Improved output information when installing and uninstalling UMF with the setup. - Changed: The config values will now be trimmed for leading and trailing spaces to prevent user errors. #user-friendly - Bugfix: Unable to input text in the Settings GUI/UMF Menu after deleting the values entirely. - Bugfix: Mouse cursor would not show after clicking while on the UMF Menu in Slime Rancher. - Bugfix: UMF was not working correctly without an internet connection. (Thanks CabbageCrow) - API: New mod specific UMF config: UpdateURL. Supports a optional UMF Encrypted string as well. The response should be: version|url (Example: 1.0| - API: Added UMFDownload.DownloadString(string url) - API: Added UMFDownload.QueueString(string url, DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler callbackComplete, DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler callbackProgress) - API: Added UMFDownload.IsDownloadingString - API: Added UMFDownload.QueueFile(string url, string path, bool extract = false, AsyncCompletedEventHandler callbackComplete = null, DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler callbackProgress = null) - API: Added UMFDownload.IsDownloading - API: Added UMFData.LoaderIsDone - API: Added UMFData.UnixTime - API: Added UMFEncryption.Encrypt(string message, bool output = false) Output will output the string in ModName.txt in the umf folder. Store the encrypted string in your code. - API: Added UMFEncryption.Decrypt(string encryptedMessage) Only the mod that encrypted the string can decrypt it. - API: Added UMFEncryption.Encrypt(string message, string password, bool output = false) Encryption with a password you supply. - API: Added UMFEncryption.Decrypt(string encryptedMessage, string password) Only the password used to encrypt it can decrypt it. - API: Added UMFData.AssembliesPath (Points to the folder that contains the internal libraries.) - API: Added UMFData.GamePath - API: Added UMFData.ModsPath - API: Added UMFData.ConfigsPath - API: Added UMFData.LibrariesPath - API: Added UMFData.LogsPath - API: Added UMFData.CachePath - API: Added UMFData.ChangelogsPath - API: The [UMFHarmony] attribute now supports a bool to enable the harmony debug log harmony.log at desktop. [UMFHarmony(true)] to enable debug log. - API: Added UMFData.IsMenuOpen This can be used in OnGUI to show more GUI elements while the UMF Menu is open. - API: Added UMFConfig.DeleteConfig() Version 0.35 (2018-07-28) - New: Full Linux and Mac compatability. (Thanks to Billanater1 for Mac testing.) - New: In-game Settings GUI. - New: 14 new settings for UMF. (HotKeys, feature disabling, frame rate, FOV, and more) - New: In-game full feature console. (With 11 console commands included.) - New: In-game News straight from the website. (Can be disabled.) - New: In-game Tips. (Can be disabled.) - Changed: Mods folder is now inside the uModFramework folder instead to gather all files in one folder. (Less confusion) - Changed: The version checker can now be disabled in settings. - Changed: Added a lot more logging to help with debugging peoples log files. - Changed: Improved performance through more code cleaning and improving. - Changed: Version checker now only checks once an hour and will retrieve the version from cache. - API: UMFConfig and UMFLogger are now IDisposable. Use them in a using() clause instead now. - API: UMFConsole.SendCommand(string command, bool openConsole = false) - API: UMFConsole.RegisterCommand(string name, string command, string[] aliases, int arguments, string description, Action action) - API: UMFConsole.AddConsoleText(string text, bool openConsole = false) - API: UMFConsole.Args (Get to process arguments for your commands) - API: UMFConsole.IsConsoleOpen - API: UMFData.TimeToStart changed to UMFData.TimeToLoad - API: UMFData.UMFPath returns the full path to the uModFramework folder. - API: UMFData.AddTip(string tip) Adds tips to the UMF tips. - API: UMFData.ModNamesLower returns the loaded mods in lower case for easier processing. - API: UMFMod.GetModVersion now also supports both an Assembly and a string modName to get another mod's version. Version 0.30 (2018-07-20) - New: Support for running <a href="">UnityPluginManager</a> plugins straight from the Mods folder, no install of UPM needed. - New: Added version checking to the framework, displayed in the info text. - New: Added automatic zip archive extraction. You can now drop zipped mods directly into the Mods folder. - Changed: Made the info text that shows for 30 seconds on game start fancier. - Changed: Improved logging a bit. - Changed: Greatly improved mod loading, internal threading and thread cleaning. - Changed: Cleaned up the code a lot with various minor performance improvements. - Bugfix: Fixes for attribute started mods. - API: Renamed [UModScript] attribute to [UMFScript] - also it actually works now. Can be used on as many public classes as you want. (With MonoBehaviour child class.) - API: Added [UMFStart] attribute, used on a method to start a mod. This obsoletes the UMFMod class. Can be used only once per mod. - API: Added [UMFConfig] attribute, used on a method to load the mods config option on demand. The [UMFHarmony] attribute will call this method before patching. Future use includes reloading and changing configs from in game. - API: Added [UMFHarmony] attribute, works on both class and method. Calls the method with the [UMFConfig] attribute if it exists, then runs all harmony patches the mod has. When used on a method it also calls the method. This is to simplify mod creation (reduce code/easier). Can be used only once per mod. - API: The UMFMod class with Start method is now considered legacy and obsolete and will be removed in a future release. - API: Changed the Log api and added several overloads for it. The call is now Log(string text, bool clean = false, string file = null) - API: Added UMFMod.GetModVersion() which returns the Version info of the mod that calls it. Handy for for self logging purposes, intended for the initial logging call. Log("My Mod Name v" + UMFMod.GetModVersion().ToString(), true) - API: Added summary comments for all API methods. Version 0.25 (2018-06-29) - Initial Public Release
changelog.1562050048.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/02 06:47 by umfdev